5 Tips for Hunting the October Lull

Oh, the dreaded October lull. It’s the time of the hunting season where that big buck that’s been frequenting your camera all summer long seems to vanish into thin air.

But don’t be discouraged. He hasn’t packed up and headed south for the winter. His behavior has just changed. This is because food sources have begun to change, leaves have begun to fall, and that once thickly-covered wooded area no longer feels so safe. Most hunters get frustrated during this time, and assume there is no choice but to wait in out and start up hunting again closer to November, but if you hunt it right, the October lull can present one of the best opportunities to fill your tag.

Tips for Hunting the October Lull:

  • Concentrate on new food sources. Look for food sources that are isolated and close to bedding areas and the travel routes to and from them.
  • Follow rub lines and scrapes. Follow these as close to the bedding area as you can and set up according to the wind. Bucks normally won’t move far before dark and will be back in the bed early during this time, so being as close to the bedding area as possible is key.
  • Wait on a cold front. Cold fronts are always a good excuse for deer to get on their feet a little longer in the morning and out of bed a little earlier in the evening.  
  • Hunt thermals in the evenings.  As cooler air begins to sink in the afternoon, and the wind moves downhill, hunt below the path you expect the deer to travel.
  • Slip in during the middle of the day. Deer movement will already be limited, especially in the middle of the day. Make sure to stay as scent-free as possible.

Last, but not least:

DON’T OVER HUNT IT. Only hunt one to two times in each area.