With deer hunting season over and spring upon us, now is the time to ensure your treestands remain in good condition during the off-season to make your fall pre-season prep even easier. Whether it’s for your favorite Summit climber or multiple hang-on setups, here are some tips for maintenance: 

1.   Take all your stands down. 

This seems like a no-brainer, but if you haven’t already done so, this first step of taking your stands down is important. As stated in the instruction manuals, your stands should never be left out for more than two weeks at a time. Weather, animals, tree growth, vandals and/or other environmental conditions could compromise the integrity of your stands if they are exposed for too long. Taking them down and following the steps below for cleaning and storing helps prevent that damage. 

2.   Clean and inspect. 

Once you’ve taken your stands down, carefully disassemble, clean, and inspect all parts. Dirt and debris can accumulate on your stand over the season, so deep cleaning (and power washing, if necessary) is vital to discovering any potential issues. 

3.   Make any necessary replacements. 

Once your stand is clean, check all bolts, cables, straps, and your seat, and replace parts that need attention. Any bolts or cables that show rust or damage must be replaced. For climbers, replacement cables help maintain your stand’s integrity and aid in better sound deadening. If your current cables are in good order with only the exterior coating worn, replacement shrink tubing is available. Here's a guide for inspecting your cables:

Carefully go over each strap to look for fraying, issues with tightening mechanisms, or metal parts that need lubrication. Replace any straps that show signs of wear. If you notice areas on your stand that need paint touchups, now is the time to get that done, too. 

4.   Reassemble and inspect again. 

When your stand has been cleaned, inspected, and had any necessary parts replaced, you can put it back together. Once complete, examine it all again. Look at all welds, joints, washers, and straps. With your stand reassembled, another good practice is to mount it close to the ground on a tree nearby in your backyard to check that everything is as it should be before storing. 

5.   Store your stand. 

Once your stand is reassembled and in good order, now is the time to store it. We recommend keeping it in a dry, temperature-controlled area (e.g., your garage or insulated shed) so that it’s protected from the elements. Keeping your stand shielded from unnecessary UV exposure, humidity, and wildlife is key to making sure it remains in great condition for years to come.

ALSO - Check your harness!

Another important part of treestand maintenance is inspecting your safety harness system. See our full guide that includes what to look for when inspecting, along with when your system should be replaced.

Pro tip: Want to keep other gear like your seat and harness scent-free during the off-season? Spray them down with D/CODE® Unscented Field Spray, then store in airtight containers or bags.  

Explore our available treestand replacement parts and accessories here.