Summit is proud to introduce the ultimate treestand, the Dual Threat™ PRO SD, a revolutionary climber designed to redefine the hunting experience. With its multi-tasking, adjustable Dual Threat front bar, this groundbreaking design offers unmatched versatility for both rifle hunters and bow hunters, setting it apart from other treestands on the market. Also joining the 2024 new product lineup are the Dual Position Seat and Element Safety Harness.
With another deer hunting season in the books, now’s the time when stands start to get taken down and put in storage while you eagerly await next fall. As you follow your checklist for off-season maintenance, this is the perfect opportunity to inspect a critical treestand lifeline–your Full-Body Fall Arrest Harness System (FBFAHS).
What would have been the talk of the Archery Trade Association (ATA) Show this year, if it wasn’t canceled due to COVID-19, is the all-new Summit Viper Pro SD aluminum climbing stand and Dual Axis Hang-on stand.
At Summit, we are constantly striving to build the world's best tree stands. Every waking hour of our engineer's lives is devoted to the pursuit of the perfect tree stand. The truth about stands however is that there's no such thing. Stands, like fishing lures or game calls, are job specific - you wouldn't go deer hunting with duck calls now would you? Similarly, hunters should equip themselves with the stands that were engineered and built to fit their specific needs.
Hopefully, you utilized a good portion of the springtime to do your scouting and to pinpoint the best places to take deer on your property. But don’t prop up your feet and wait until hunting season just yet; your homework isn’t over. If you want an even better opportunity to take that monster buck, get out now and hang your rut stands early.
Many hunters have had the opportunity to share their thoughts and feedback about tree stands, even seeing some ideas from their “wish lists” come true as stands have developed and improved over the years. But what if a hunter could design the perfect tree? Since that’s likely not going to happen any time soon, Andy Morgan, host of “The Hit List,” reflects on five tips for finding – or for altering – that perfect tree this season.
Ever wonder what separates the good bow hunters from the great? The Bowhunting 10 commandments spells out our top ten tips for being, or becoming a better bow hunter.
Get your deer know-how up to par before heading into the woods this hunting season by reading this short list of the top 5 whitetail hunting misconceptions.
You can have all of the right gear, a fantastic hunting location and the skills to get the job done, but if you’re not in the right place at the right time, none of that matters. There may be only one deer season a year, but a deer’s behavior changes radically through the various stages of the season. So, the sure-fire tactic that worked for you in the early season, may not work for you during the pre-rut or rut. To hunt successfully throughout the season, you need to be willing to modify and adapt your hunting styles to experience success.
At Summit, we are constantly striving to build the world’s best treestands. Every waking hour of our engineer’s lives is devoted to the pursuit of the perfect treestand. The truth about stands however is that there’s no such thing. Stands, like fishing lures or game calls are job specific – you wouldn’t ever go deer hunting with duck calls now would you? Similarly hunters should equip themselves with the stands that were engineered and built to fit their specific needs.
Many hunters could recite to you top destination states for finding trophy bucks, but just where exactly would you go if you wanted to fill the freezer?