Wind direction is key to any successful whitetail hunt, but playing the wind is a craft in itself. Although every situation is different, these tips for using the wind to hunt mature bucks can be a game changer.
Timing and placement are key factors when it comes to hanging tree stands. These pre-season tree stand-hanging tips will help ensure you and your tree stands are set up for success when the season arrives.
Hunting safety is top priority for hunter Bill Harvey, and in his opinion, Summit Treestands offers the best equipment to keep sportsmen safe from falls—as well as the ultimate guide to tree stand safety.
Looking the perfect deer hunting setup? Search no further. Expert hunter Bob Robb offers his ultimate guide for hunting from tree stands and ground blinds inside this article from Field & Stream.
What’s your strategy for locating the biggest bucks? For Grand View Outdoors writer Gerald Almy, it’s placing his tree stand above power line clearings. Here, abundant shelter and food such as tender forbs, berries, shrubs, and saplings provide an oasis for whitetail deer. His tips for finding the right spot...
Here’s an interesting experiment: the next time you eat, place your food on the table and lower your nose to touch your food. Now, try looking around. What you see doesn’t compare to a deer’s line of vision, which encompasses a much wider scope than our own. Thanks to the deer’s horizontally elongated pupils, they have a 300-degree panoramic view of their surroundings (compared to our limited 120-degree visual field). Plus, their eyes are able to rotate in different directions—a function called “cyclovergence.” For this reason, taking aim while deer graze isn’t advised.
Every deer season, hunters anticipate their first sighting of a fresh buck rub. It marks the beginning of mating rituals that render bucks less cautious than normal—and thus the signal that hunting season is in full force. Most hunters know that deer deposit scent (i.e., primer pheromones) when they scrape their antlers against trees, but did you know that different types of rubs indicate buck maturity, size, and behavior patterns?
“The average hunter, like you or me, doesn’t typically have all the high level data at our finger tips to make educated observations. That said, we’re fortunate that this kind of data is actually made available for us,” says Wired to Hunt, which condenses the best of the 2015 Whitetail Report for its readers. “If you’re an avid whitetail hunter and/or concerned about the current state of deer and deer hunting in North America, this is a must read.”
If you want to consistently tag mature bucks throughout October and November, then you need to follow this high-impact treestand setup guide take advantage full advantage of whitetail funnels.
“Just like with good hunting boots, good walking/jogging/workout shoes are important. Make that investment, start putting one foot forward and get going,” says hunter and writer for Deer & Deer Hunting, Alan Clemons, who suggests that hunters make some practical lifestyle changes to become better hunters. Hunting demands a lot of the sportsman. An easy way to feel better when performing the heavy manual labor required of most big game hunters is to improve your overall health. “Dragging out a deer…can be taxing even for healthy hunters. Being in shape can help you in the woods when you’re hauling out a buck or doe.”
“I’m constantly amazed at how difficult it is for some folks to find game…on the flip side there are hunters who seem to be able to wander into the woods and effortlessly bring home the bacon. What makes the difference?” asks accomplished big game hunter, Aram Benedikt, in a recent Outdoor Life article. Benedikt’s first tip: “No matter how hard you work, you won’t find game that isn’t there.” Secondly, hunt wisely and safely to optimize your chances for a big kill. And lastly, you won’t kill what you don’t see: “A savvy hunter can find a lot of game by locating a good vantage point and parking your binocular against your eyebrows for a while."
Hopefully, you utilized a good portion of the springtime to do your scouting and to pinpoint the best places to take deer on your property. But don’t prop up your feet and wait until hunting season just yet; your homework isn’t over. If you want an even better opportunity to take that monster buck, get out now and hang your rut stands early.